Violence and Restraining Orders by Lawyers in Perth

A Violence Restraining Order (VRO) is designed to stop violence, threats, property damage, intimidating behaviour and emotional abuse in the future.

The Court can issue Violence Restraining Orders for the protection of a child, a parent of a child, or other people where there has been violence or if there is a real fear that violence will occur.

Violence Restraining Orders can prohibit a person from entering the home, school or workplace of persons who have the protection of the Order.

At Robertson Hayles Lawyers, our family law solicitors are experienced in dealing with people who have been the victim of domestic violence, with one of our solicitors previously having been instructed as a Women’s Refuge solicitor.

We can assist with making applications for Violence Restraining Orders on your behalf so that you can have the protection available to you under the law. We will also advise you in regards to parenting arrangements and the options available to you if you have children.

Contact us

For all enquiries please contact Robertson Hayles Lawyers on (08) 9325 1700 by email at or via our contact form and we will be happy to assist you.