Employment Law

Employment Lawyers Perth

Australia now contains approximately 2.4 million businesses and governmental agencies which are currently employing just over 13 million Australians.

It then comes as no surprise that workplace issues abound, particularly regarding the understanding and interpretation of the following laws, contracts and agreements:

  • Enterprise agreements
  • Employment contracts
  • Minimum conditions compliance
  • Unfair dismissal claims
  • Restructuring and redundancy

For many, it can be daunting to negotiate through the maze of employment laws at both the state and federal levels.

At Robertson Hayles Lawyers, our employment lawyers provide legal advice and representation in all employment related matters to both employers and employees.

Our Approach

We aim to provide you with clear and practical legal advice about the law and its procedures to assist you in making informed decisions about your employment matters. Our goal is to assist you to reach a resolution to your satisfaction and where possible, to avoid litigation. Where required, our workplace lawyers have the knowledge and experience to pursue any employment dispute to a hearing and provide you with effective representation in court or before an administrative tribunal.

In our legal practice, our guiding principle is to provide our clients with good quality legal service at affordable rates.

Areas of Practice

Our workplace lawyers have advised corporations, governmental agencies and senior executives in the negotiation of employment contracts and enterprise agreements. They have the knowledge and experience to advise and defend organisations in unfair dismissal and other employment claims. They have also represented employees in various employment disputes. Our workplace lawyers appear frequently before state and federal tribunals in unfair dismissal claims and provide advice and representation in the following areas of employment law:

  • Preparation and interpretation of employment contracts for both senior executive and operational employees
  • Enterprise agreements and modern awards
  • Restructuring and redundancies
  • Restraint of trade in employment contracts
  • Protection of employer’s confidential information
  • Investigation and performance management of employees
  • Occupational health and safety including management of safety incidents, investigations and defending against WorkSafe prosecutions
  • Industrial action and applications to the Fair Work Commission or the Federal Court
  • Employer and union relationships
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Discrimination, adverse action and unlawful termination
  • Workplace harassment or bullying
  • Underpayment of wages and entitlements

Contact us

For all enquiries please contact Robertson Hayles Lawyers on (08) 9325 1700 by email at enquiries@robertsonhayles.com or via our contact form and we will be happy to assist you.