How to file for a restraining order in Perth, Western Australia

I am in an abusive relationship and wish to separate and divorce. How do I file an application for a restraining order in Perth, Western Australia?

Many separating or divorcing couples experience intimating behaviour, abuse and violence perpetrated by their spouse. Others are in an abusive relationship and cannot find a way to separate and divorce and continue to live and experience family violence. Sometimes, family members or friends of their spouse are also involved in carrying out such intimidating or violent acts. This is a highly distressing situation.

If this occurs to you or you fear that this may occur to you, it is important that you put your safety first, seek help and apply to the Magistrates Court for a restraining order to prevent your spouse or their family members and friends from carrying out these intimidating or violent acts against you.

The purpose of a restraining order is to protect a person from acts of family or personal violence.

A restraining order can be applied at your local Magistrates Court in Perth or in regional WA. Some community legal centres and Legal Aid WA also may be able to assist you with your initial application and apply for a restraining order on your behalf.

It is important that you select the correct type of restraining order, otherwise your restraining order application may not be granted.

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